Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A quick note on Holidays

I've been contemplating what, exactly, makes holidays so special. Why do we look forward to them so much? Despite the blatant commercialism and the 'buy buy buy!' attitude the retailers want us to have, I don't think that being a consumer is the reason holidays are fun. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Independence Day... why do these events create such cherished memories and anticipation year after year? I tried to think of a time when I didn't feel the excitement, times when that inner 'warm glow' feeling was missing, to figure out what the magic factor was. It seems like having holidays alone or away from friends & family is a lonely and un-exciting affair. And I realized that the magic of holidays isn't in a calendar date, gifts and purchases, or a special food dish- it's the togetherness and the joyous community we have with our loved ones at those times of year that make the days special. The joy of being with close family and friends makes the day special, makes the gifts worthwhile, turns the food from a regular meal into a warm memory of good times. The spiritual meanings we celebrate and our precious times spend with loved ones are the reasons we have holidays. This may seem ridiculously elementary, since even the Grinch seemed able to figure it out, but I've never really been able to put my finger on it until now. In closing, to all of my wonderful and loving friends and family- Thank you. Thank you for being there, for the fun times, for the memories, for the love. You mean more to me than any shallow gift or event or food or day. As long as we can continue to have these great times together, the holidays will always be special, regardless of the economy or anything else. Humans were meant to live in relationship with others; I am so thankful for my relationships. Happy Thanksgiving!