I posted recently about stress, and since then I have been trying to focus on ways to cope with stress. I have found some wonderful ideas that help me a lot. Here are a few things I have found that work for me:
- Pause in the moment, no matter where you are or how busy or stressed you are, and take your view and mind away from whatever you are focusing on. Look at the sky or the wall or down the hall, and let your mind 'let go' just for a moment. Take a breath and let your body release- be right there, in the moment, and allow yourself to see something peaceful or beautiful around you. Realize that you ARE, and you are OK, and you are allowed to take a break and breathe. Change your focus- remind yourself of something positive about yourself, your situation, the world, or that day. Re-center, and go back to your task with peace and clarity. You can do this anytime it's needed, as often as you want- it's wonderful!
- Exercise- yoga, running, whatever works for you. It boosts your immune system, lets you think, works stiff and stressed muscles, strengthens your heart, clears your mind, and helps your body rid harmful toxins.
- Stretch! Take 30 seconds to reach your arms up to the sky, down to your toes, side to side, roll your shoulders, arch/bend your back, and release all that muscle tension that you've been holding.
- Make a cup of hot tea/cocoa/coffee/etc. Hold it and feel the warmth; take a deep breath and smell it. Allow the warmth and smell to relax you. Do this every time before you sip; savor the warm sensation and taste.
- Find inspiration and comfort in your faith- read scripture, meditate, pray, etc.
- Spend time with a supportive group of friends or family who help you find your perspective and make you feel good about life
- Do something shallow and fun- let yourself be a child again, make yourself pretty, read a silly book/website, play a game, etc- it's ok to be shallow, sometimes the brain needs a break!
- Remember that the world will keep spinning if you take a break. Pause, take a day off, postpone an event, don't show up to something; incredible, life goes on! If you absolutely must do something that is essential (Prioritize! What will happen if you don't or if you wait, really?), try to make a plan to do it by a certain time or day, and then schedule some time to relax afterwards so you can have that to look forward to.
- Find joy in between- walking to the restroom, driving in the car, taking a shower- in these moments, you are alone and have no obligations other than to just BE. Enjoy these moments, take peace in these mini-breaks every day
- Write a note of encouragement to someone else who's struggling or in pain- it will help take your focus off yourself and really does make you feel better and stronger
- Escape- listen to your favorite music, get a favorite food, play a game on your phone for 5 minutes, go hide in the bathroom for a while, etc.
- Read inspirational quotes/books/devotions, etc to get some perspective on life and see how others have dealt with stressful times.
- Work to find practical responses to what stresses you. Many 'stressors' can be serious things that are worth stressing about, like legitimate problems with health/money/family/etc. The internet is a great resource for looking up helpful information and potential solutions, and sometimes friends or family can offer good advice (But avoid people who stress you out more). Focus on finding the solution, rather than being miserable about the problem. Use your energy to fix the problem, instead of worrying and being dragged down by it. Find confidence- you CAN do this, you WILL make it through.
- Finish one task you've been working on, then celebrate your accomplishment!
- Have a peaceful ritual at least once per day. Bedtime is the best- get ready for bed 15-30 min. early, then take the time to sit, contemplate, process the day, write, read, etc.
- Get help if you need it! There is no shame in needing advice, counseling, even meds. Get medical/psychological help if necessary.
- Remember: the world will NOT end if you just stop for a few minutes or a day, or even longer. It's better to approach your life after you are strong, rested, and prepared to tackle the tough stuff, rather than avoiding a break until you are running on empty and doing everything in a less-than-ideal way. Example: If you are operating at 50% for 10 days (probably more like 25% as time passes without a break), you'll get the same amount done if you take 5 days off and then work at 100% for 5 days.
Those are my coping mechanisms... If you are looking for help managing stress, I hope I've provided some useful ideas. If you have other ideas or methods you use to cope, I'd love to hear them- please share in the comments! :)
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